Law Offices of Jeffrey W. Goldblatt Esq.

5 Ways to Separate Yourself From Your Divorce

Jun 11, 2015 @ 08:20 PM — by JWGLAWYER
Tagged with: Blog Divorce

Going through a divorce is never an easy thing to do, especially when it seems it continues to be stuck as part of your identity long after the papers are finally signed. Before you resign to being the divorced person for the rest of your life, here are five ways to help shed the stigma of divorce:

Understand youre not alone

With nearly half of all marriages ending in divorce, its important to realize youre likely not the only one whos cut ties with your partner. When youre going through a divorce the process can seem difficult to move past, but knowing you arent the only one is an important first step. Coming to terms with this can help you finally shed the marriage and continue on to your independence.

Find some new solo friends

One of the hardest parts of separating from your ex isnt leaving its having to navigate through the friends and family who have become an equal part of your lives. While its important to continue maintaining your friendships (even separately), work on establishing your own group of friends to socialize with as well.

Redecorate the way youd like

Whether youre living in the old family home or youve purchased a new place to call homestyle it to your liking instead of the same items you had as a couple. The change doesnt have to be a huge financial burden, simply start with something small and build out as youre able to add to it.

Stop mentioning it to others

Believe it or not, you dont have to introduced yourself as the divorced parent. Many times, couples who have recently separated believe its critical to mention the divorce to almost everyone they interact with; teachers, friends, new acquaintances but chances are, it doesnt have to be a personal trait that you remain stuck to. The next time you meet someone new, consider how youd introduce yourself if you were still married. Majority of the time, announcing your marriage during a chat wouldnt come up so stop doing it with your divorce.

Learn to find something you enjoy

Finding something you enjoy can be as simple as a new book that youve been dying to read or a new language the options are entirely limitless when it comes to self-improvement. The idea here isnt to have to base your decision on whether your partner would approve; rather, finding something youve always wanted to do and just doing it.