Law Offices of Jeffrey W. Goldblatt Esq.

Tips for Moving On After Divorce

Dec 22, 2014 @ 11:58 AM — by JWGLAWYER
Tagged with: After Divorce Blog

A divorce isn't really a split. It's more of a tear; the pain and the isolation starts slowly and it seems to get a lot worse before it can get better. If you are recently divorced and you want to know the best ways for moving on after divorce, you need to think about how you want the rest of your life to look. While it's true that splitting up with your husband and wife is a major ending, it's also a beginning. You have choices and options that you didn't have when you were married, and it's time to take advantage of that.

Reinvent Yourself

Now is the time to try something different. Maybe you've always wanted to go back to school or you've had a new career path in the back of your mind. Perhaps it's something even simpler like cutting your hair short or learning how to play golf. Pick something new and interesting and get focused. When you're recovering from a divorce and healing your broken heart, nothing will help more than a project.

Communicate Openly

It's tempting to keep your romantic troubles to yourself. Maybe you only told your closest friends about your divorce. While this shouldn't be the first thing you tell people about yourself, don't be afraid to talk about where you are in your life. When you feel safe communicating about what you went through and how you're hoping to get over it, you're acknowledging the painful experience and making plans for the future. Talk to friends and family members and if you really want to explore your feelings, consider talking to a therapist or joining a support group. Talking about your needs doesn't make you weak, it makes you open to ideas for how to move on.

When you're moving on after divorce, you need to stay in the present while thinking about the future. Make every moment count. If you have children, they're going to be looking to you for clues on how to respond and how to move forward. Show them that picking up the pieces is important for growth and happiness.